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A wonderful year.

What a wonderful year we have had in the nursery!

Some of our children are moving on to become Squirrels and Rabbits. We are so proud of their progress. We are lucky to share an outdoor environment with reception because it means we can still interact with the children we have come to know and they can still see younger friends who are returning to Hedgehogs.

We also look forward to our N1s (younger children) becoming N2s when they return to us in September and we have lots of lovely plans for play and learning.

You are invited to come to  the exhibition in the key stage 2 hall next week. We have told the children it is an art gallery where their families can see their creations.  I will be in class that evening  to chat informally and hope to see as many of you as possible.

Thank you for your involvement. I am proud to say that we continue to enjoy having so many parents come in for 'share a book' each Friday morning.

Mrs Newman