A message from Miss Smith
Hello Year 1,
It’s been so lovely seeing some of your happy faces since we’ve been back at school. It still seems very quiet though and we’re missing all of you still at home and are looking forward to when we are all together again.
Our “new normal” is a little bit strange and peculiar (Mrs Newman likes that word) and it takes a little bit of getting used to, but please don’t worry we are all here to help you when you return to school.
We’ve been busy this week following Oak Academy for our lessons and it’s lovely knowing those of you at home are also doing the same work and keeping a connection with us through our joint work, we’ve learnt so many interesting things this week. You could ask your grown up help you send in any work you are particularly proud of or would like us to see and share, we would love to see some!
In between our lessons we are keeping our minds and bodies healthy and taking part in a quick session with Jump Start Johnny or 5 A Day, perhaps you could try it to? Have a break and some fun, just ask your grown up to Google them and follow the videos. Our favourite is “I like to move it, move it!”
Please stay safe and well and enjoy your time with your families, keep your minds and bodies healthy and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Miss Smith
Freedman Class