The children in Year 2 have been learning about the work of the artist William Morris. They have explored a range of printing techniques and have enjoyed using tiles to print their own design onto paper.
In preparation for learning a new addition method, Year 2 are recapping their partitioning skills with numbers to 10. Later this week, the children will be learning the 'jelly bean method' to add numbers that bridge across 10.
During their second week of Year 2, the children have been thinking about their dreams and aspirations for the year. The children have learnt new ways to make wishes, such as blowing out candles on our birthday and throwing coins into wishing wells. This week they have worked hard to make their own...
Welcome to Year 2!
The children have been settling in to their new classrooms with their new teacher. They have worked hard to collaborate together and share ideas in English, Maths and PSHE.
Year 2 visited Whipsnade Zoo this week. We were so excited to go on the bus and couldn't believe our eyes when we saw that it was a double decker! When we got to the zoo, we saw lots of different animals; including penguins, cheetahs, hippos and rhinos. After lunch, we went on the steam train wh...
In DT this week, we made dips and dippers! We started the day by tasting different dips and thinking about what flavours we could taste. We also tried different dippers. In the afternoon, we made our own dips! We had to read the recipes carefully and use our cutting skills. We loved our grown ups co...
Stopsley Fire Service visited Year 2 this week. They taught us about how to keep safe around fires and how to get help if we notice a fire. We learnt how to 'stop, drop and roll' if our clothes are on fire. We also got to see the fire engine and squirt the hose!
In Year 2, we have been thinking about our unique qualities and relating them to the story of The Rainbow Fish. We learnt that The Rainbow Fish represents that despite our differences we should love and care for each other.
In the autumn term, Year 2 planted seeds and bulbs. We have checked our bulbs this week and they are starting to flower. What flowers do you think they are?
In Year 2 this week, the children are learning about shapes. They have identified and named 2D and 3D shapes. In our journaling lesson, the children were finding ways to sort 2D shapes. Some children grouped them by the number of sides and vertices they had. Ask your children to spot 2D and 3D shape...
In Science this half term, Year 2 have been learning about properties of materials. We carried out an investigation to see if we could bend, twist, stretch or squash different objects.