A message from Miss Williams.
Rab taking a mindful break.
Hello, Year 2!
How are you?
I hope you are well and have been doing lots of fun activities at home. Rab and I have been busy reading and looking after our allotment where our fruit and vegetables are growing. We have even eaten some homegrown spinach, it was delicious!
During the time we have been at home I bet you have been thinking a lot about when you will be coming back to school, Rab and I definitely have. We think about Kandinsky class all the time and wonder what you are up to. This is a type of worry and I bet you might be worrying about other things because it hasn’t been a normal time.
Rab and I have been worrying lots too:
- When we will be allowed to play with our friends and family?
- When will we be allowed to see our teachers and go to school?
- When will we be able to play in the park?
- When will we be able to go to a sports club?
Thinking about these worries are ok. We just need to make sure we are able to deal with them well because if we keep these worries to ourselves it can get a bit too much for us and start to make us feel poorly.
Rab and I have been coping with our worries by doing a number of things, maybe you can use some of these coping strategies too. These will help our worries leave our body and they can also help us feel better and maybe solve some of our worries.
What Rab and I do:
- Rab writes his worries down on a piece of paper and he has a secret pouch in his back where he puts them. When I find them I start to talk to Rab about his worries and find ways we can help or solve these worries.
- Sometimes I tell my worries to butterflies as they can fly off with my worries. That way the worries have left my body and made me feel better.
- Sometimes I tell my worries to the people I live with so that we can chat about them and how to make me feel better.
- Often I talk to my teddies and even though they don’t talk it’s nice to talk and them so the worries are leaving my brain and body. It makes my body feel a lot better when my worries leave me.
- Most of the time I go for a walk or do some exercise to have a break and try to clear my head of worries in the fresh air around nature. This is where I now have a new hobby of identifying different birds!
Remember it’s ok to worry and during this strange time we are probably all thinking of when it will be back to normal. Please remember that we are doing all of this to make us safe and it will end.
Keep smiling we are all so PROUD of you here at Stopsley!
Miss Williams