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Year 6

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  • 01/07/24

    Healthy snacks in Y6

    In Year 6 we were discussing healthy snack options for break time.
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  • 17/04/24

    Longitude and Latitude Fun in Geography

    Today the children have really enjoyed learning about longitude and latitude and have been able to locate different countries with great accuracy. 
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  • 04/03/24

    PGL - Residential

    Year 6 have had a great time at PGL. We took part in lots of different activities which challenged us and enabled us to conquer our fears. A great time was had by all!
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  • 18/12/23

    Don't Tell Mr Fordham!

    Last week in maths we were refining our division skills. This time, we didn't do any work in our books - instead we did our work on the tables! (We did make sure they were cleaned afterwards!)
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  • 04/12/23

    Year 6 'Crafternoon'

    We had a fantastic afternoon celebrating the festive season where some of our parents attended our 'Crafternoon'. We enjoyed making wrapping paper using our finger painting techniques. Take a look at more pictures below. 
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  • 30/10/23

    Victorious Vikings!

    In History we have been studying the Vikings. We have spent some time thinking carefully about what we have learnt and how this matched our enquiry question. We then used our previous learning to create some fantastic double-page spreads! 
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  • 01/10/23

    Sports teams in Y6

    The Year 6 football and netball team took part in their very first league match last week against St Matthews. 
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  • 01/10/23

    Welcome back!

    The children have settled in to life in Year 6 superbly.
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  • 21/07/23

    Goodbye Year 6!

    What a year! Good luck at high school - we wish you all the best. 
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  • 30/06/23


    Year 6 have been working tirelessly to put together our end of year production of Shrek Jnr. We are really excited to take our audiences on a journey from the swamp to Duloc. Next week we begin our dress rehearsals in preparation for our final performances. It will be an exciting and memorable time...
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  • 05/05/23


    In PSHE we discussed our feelings.  We all took it in turns to talk about how we felt and then passed the string to someone else who felt the same. From this we created a web of feelings.  It was powerful to see that if you are feeling a certain way, you are not alone; others will often...
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  • 31/03/23

    A persuasive letter to our Prime Minister

    This half term the children in Y6 have been working hard to combat one of the 17 Global Goals. As part of our Geography and English learning, we wrote a persuasive speech to Rishi Sunak to persuade and encourage him to listen to our ideas on plastic pollution. 
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