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A fun-filled half term

Need ear-plugs?

In Year 6 the chldren have been honing their drumming skills and have been learning calls and responses that are out if this galaxy! Billy, the drumming teacher, has been a real inspiration and the children are becoming brilliant musicians. Listen out for them in the charts in years to come!


Sport Relief was a fantastic day where the children had the chance to dress up as their sporting heroes. A highlight of the day was a fantastic mini-olympics, organised by Mr Whelan and Mr Palumbo. The school collected over £1200 for Sport Relief and Cancer Research UK. Just think about how many lives the children have helped to improve, hurray!

Can I borrow your computer?

This half-term the children have also learnt that playing online isn't all fun and games. Internet safety is very important and the children have been creating games to show some of the dangers they might face online. It was a very fun way to learn a really important message.

Written by: Bethany and Rabia in Murray class