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Nuero-diversity 'Diagnosis Support Pack'

The Diagnosis Support Pack (DSP) has been co-produced by families, for families, following a diagnosis of a neuro-diversity. It contains information, resources and signposting in a variety of media (video, infographics, animations), split into 14 sections - from sleep to medication and lots more.

The pack has been co-produced with the help of parents, young people, local Parent Carer Forums, CAMHS, Education Psychology and other key partners.

The DSP covers the following topics:

1.         Introduction

2.         Positives of Neuro-diversities

3.         Holistic Approach

4.         What to expect at your appointment

5.         Sleep

6.         Medication

7.         Talking about a diagnosis

8.         Sensory Processing Needs

9.         Mental Heath

10.      Supporting Social Communication Development in Autism

11.      Best Practice Guide – for professionals

12.      Contact Information and Resources

13.      Jargon Buster

14.      Printable resources and links

All pages have been made easy to follow, with links that that guide you through the pack. As well as making the pack informative and useful, it was important to us that the pack uplifts people and celebrates neuro-diversity. We know many families find receiving a diagnosis a challenging time. However, empowering messages and having positive role models are so important to help parents and young people on their journey.

Click here to access the Diagnosis Support Pack online or scan the QR Code on the poster below...